Sin City’s High Point: The Vegas Dispensary Scene!

Remember the classic line, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?” Well, we at Cultivate Las Vegas have tossed that out the window! Here, we believe in sharing the joys of the Las Vegas dispensary scene with the world.

The New Vegas Jackpot!

Fact: You stand a better chance of picking a winning strain at our dispensary than hitting a jackpot at the strip’s casinos. Instead of spending your vacation chasing a high from a slot machine, how about experiencing the real deal? We’ve got a myriad of strains from the chill ‘Jack Herer’ to the euphoric ‘Girl Scout Cookies’.

The Cat’s Out of the Bag!

Sorry Ernest Hemingway, your secret’s out! Your favorite city has discovered a new vice – but it’s anything but sinful. We’ve traded poker chips for CBD oil and the ‘Fear and Loathing’ for love and hooting on our shop. Come over, and stumble on to something more than just The Strip!

Remember, what happens at Cultivate doesn’t stay at Cultivate. Feel free to share to the world the unforgettable time you had with us!